The fastest way to prep kiln shelves.

When I first got my kiln, I was meticulous, about preparing the shelves. Hours of scraping off, washing, adding layer after layer of thin batt wash, then repeating again a few days later. Well, those days have gone. I now have a much simpler method!

I fill a fine metal meshed flour shaker with shelf primer and shake a thin layer across the shelf. Fire my pieces, then scrape the primer back into the shaker, (using a wallpaper scraper) and use it again, and again and again.

I use the same primer, over and over and I have never had anything stick!!

You have a slight texture to the back of the glass, but I really like this.

Also, you can apply the shelf primer more thickly and draw or press a pattern into it, then slump your glass over it to add a textured design. Also if it’s thick you can press your glass down to get a smooth back.

I guess the purists out there will be appalled, but it has saved me hours of prep work and I’m a lot less worried about things sticking.

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